We want to provide a place for emotional healing of the vulnerable. Often beneath the challenge of homelessness lie deeper emotional issues that require time and assistance to navigate. By coordinating medical, detox and counseling assistance we will address deeper emotional issues that will prevent people from flourishing. The most immediate challenges facing homeless are the questions of food and housing. Low barrier housing is in high demand in Portage County so our immediate goal is to provide a warm place on cold nights. Our long-term vision is to create a system of graduated housing offering one night, five night, 30 day or longer housing options. At The Haven we will offer a hand up through life skills and job skills training. Everything we do will be done with clients, not only for clients. Those who come to The Haven of Portage County will leave with the skills necessary to succeed in life.
We want to provide a place for emotional healing of the vulnerable. Often beneath the challenge of homelessness lie deeper emotional issues that require time and assistance to navigate. By coordinating medical, detox and counseling assistance we will address deeper emotional issues that will prevent people from flourishing. The most immediate challenges facing homeless are the questions of food and housing. Low barrier housing is in high demand in Portage County so our immediate goal is to provide a warm place on cold nights. Our long-term vision is to create a system of graduated housing offering one night, five night, 30 day or longer housing options. At The Haven we will offer a hand up through life skills and job skills training. Everything we do will be done with clients, not only for clients. Those who come to The Haven of Portage County will leave with the skills necessary to succeed in life.