OhioMeansJobs- Coshocton County
All services offered:
Financial Assistance
Employment Assistance/ Job Readiness
Job Training
Community Support

Veteran Specific Services
JOB SEEKERS: OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County has a variety of resources and services to aid you in your search for a new job or with the retention of your current job.EMPLOYERS: OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County provides quality-driven employment solutions that assist companies of all sizes attract and hire the best workers available. Whether large or small, companies can turn to OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County for solutions to the challenges they face with growth/expansion. **OMJ-CC offers FREE job posting through our website, social media, and our morning radio show, employment testing and screening, facility options using our conference rooms for career and information fairs, technology enhancements utilizing our bank of +25 laptops for employment events or visiting our local Resource Center: fully equipped with SMARTtechnology, 12 desktop computers with internet, and an ADA workstation. We are here to serve you!
JOB SEEKERS: OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County has a variety of resources and services to aid you in your search for a new job or with the retention of your current job.EMPLOYERS: OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County provides quality-driven employment solutions that assist companies of all sizes attract and hire the best workers available. Whether large or small, companies can turn to OhioMeansJobs - Coshocton County for solutions to the challenges they face with growth/expansion. **OMJ-CC offers FREE job posting through our website, social media, and our morning radio show, employment testing and screening, facility options using our conference rooms for career and information fairs, technology enhancements utilizing our bank of +25 laptops for employment events or visiting our local Resource Center: fully equipped with SMARTtechnology, 12 desktop computers with internet, and an ADA workstation. We are here to serve you!
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.