Housing & Emergency Support Services (HESS)
All services offered:
Homeless Shelter/Shelter Crisis
Financial Assistance
Community Support
Assists families and individuals with longer term solutions to increase household stability. Providescrisis intervention services, short-term case management, and coordination with other communityresources to ensure that maximum support is available to meet each household’s needs. Limitedemergency financial assistance is also available, which may include housing start-up costs for thehomeless, homelessness prevention for those at risk for homelessness, and limited hotel assistancewhen shelter is full.
Assists families and individuals with longer term solutions to increase household stability. Providescrisis intervention services, short-term case management, and coordination with other communityresources to ensure that maximum support is available to meet each household’s needs. Limitedemergency financial assistance is also available, which may include housing start-up costs for thehomeless, homelessness prevention for those at risk for homelessness, and limited hotel assistancewhen shelter is full.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.