
Crawford-Marion ADAMH Board

Government Organization
Government Organization
Organization Info:
Hours Of Operation:
All services offered:
  • Educational Resources for Families

Additional information:

All Gender Services

Our mission is to assure the availability of addiction and mental health services to the residents of Marion County and Crawford County. We work with our partners, schools, courts, job and family services, law enforcement, etc., to assess county needs and develop priorities. We then contract for services with agencies that have the appropriate licenses and credentials. We also evaluate the effectiveness of those services.ADAMH board members are your friends and neighbors. These individuals serve as members of the board because they have a passion for helping the citizens of Marion and Crawford Counties. Our members have varied professional and personal backgrounds. They include persons who have received services, family members, recovery and mental health experts, medical professionals, and others with an interest in community behavioral health services.
Our mission is to assure the availability of addiction and mental health services to the residents of Marion County and Crawford County. We work with our partners, schools, courts, job and family services, law enforcement, etc., to assess county needs and develop priorities. We then contract for services with agencies that have the appropriate licenses and credentials. We also evaluate the effectiveness of those services.ADAMH board members are your friends and neighbors. These individuals serve as members of the board because they have a passion for helping the citizens of Marion and Crawford Counties. Our members have varied professional and personal backgrounds. They include persons who have received services, family members, recovery and mental health experts, medical professionals, and others with an interest in community behavioral health services.
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