
Church in Cleveland-East side

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  • Community Support

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Let's be simple. Jesus Christ is the best. He is the Son of God, the Son of Man, our Savior who died for our sins, and our true Life within. To know Him is eternal life, and to love Him and follow Him is the greatest satisfaction in the universe. The Bible also shows us that, to Jesus, the church is the best. The church is the dwelling place of God in Spirit, the body of Christ, and the household of the living God. To live in the church is to be home, and to live for the church is to touch the very heart and purpose of our God.Christ and the church. This was our cry when we first began meeting together in Cleveland in 1974, and it remains our heart and yearning today. We want to love Jesus more, we want to express Him more, and we want to see the church in Cleveland built up as a fuller, healthier, and more glorious testimony of Christ in our city. ​Among us are many different people of various ethnicities and cultures. To meet the various needs such diversity brings, we hold gatherings in different languages - English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese Chinese.
Let's be simple. Jesus Christ is the best. He is the Son of God, the Son of Man, our Savior who died for our sins, and our true Life within. To know Him is eternal life, and to love Him and follow Him is the greatest satisfaction in the universe. The Bible also shows us that, to Jesus, the church is the best. The church is the dwelling place of God in Spirit, the body of Christ, and the household of the living God. To live in the church is to be home, and to live for the church is to touch the very heart and purpose of our God.Christ and the church. This was our cry when we first began meeting together in Cleveland in 1974, and it remains our heart and yearning today. We want to love Jesus more, we want to express Him more, and we want to see the church in Cleveland built up as a fuller, healthier, and more glorious testimony of Christ in our city. ​Among us are many different people of various ethnicities and cultures. To meet the various needs such diversity brings, we hold gatherings in different languages - English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese Chinese.
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